Friday, August 31, 2018

Upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure From To on RHEL x86_64

Upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure From 11g to 12c 

Check Prerequisites [ALL NODES]

**It must not be placed under one of the Oracle base directories, including the Oracle base directory of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation owner.
**It must not be placed in the home directory of an installation owner. These requirements are specific to Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installations.


Cleanup /opt/grid/product

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4: 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 or later
z08s-temp02a:/home/mdashok# uname -a
Linux z08s-temp02a.zebra.lan 2.6.32-696.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 20 11:30:02 EDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

df /vol2/opt/grid
Filesystem           1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     103077152 70583444  27251036  73% /vol2/opt/grid

df /dev/shm
Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          529323164 172268044 357055120  33% /dev/shm
z08s-temp02a:/opt/grid/product/ ll -d /dev/shm
drwxrwxrwt. 2 root root 1588160 Oct 15 14:01 /dev/shm

ll /etc/oraInst.loc
-rw-r--r--. 1 grid oinstall 65 Aug 15  2014 /etc/oraInst.loc

cat /etc/oraInst.loc

/home/grid# . ./grid.env
env | grep ORA_CRS_HOME

grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:       1058646328 kB
grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
SwapTotal:      32767996 kB
df -h /tmp
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                       20G  577M   18G   4% /tmp
total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:    1058646328 1008206184   50440144  310099496   12525040  876558400
-/+ buffers/cache:  119122744  939523584
Swap:     32767996          0   32767996

uname -me

df -h /dev/shm
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs           505G  165G  341G  33% /dev/shm

Confirm THP are Disabled
cat /sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage/enabled
always madvise [never]
cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
always madvise [never]

4.14 Enabling the Name Service Cache Daemon
To allow Oracle Clusterware to better tolerate network failures with NAS devices or NFS mounts, enable the Name Service Cache Daemon (nscd).
z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# ps -fe | grep nscd | grep -v grep
nscd      25210      1  0 Jun16 ?        11:33:40 /usr/sbin/nscd

**4.15 Verifying the Disk I/O Scheduler on Linux []
For best performance for Oracle ASM, Oracle recommends that you use the Deadline I/O Scheduler.
cat /sys/block/${ASM_DISK}/queue/scheduler
noop [deadline] cfq

Confirm NTP is running

When the installer finds that the NTP protocol is not active, the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is installed in active mode and synchronizes the time across the nodes.
If NTP is found configured, then the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is started in observer mode, and no active time synchronization is performed by Oracle Clusterware within the cluster.
ps -fu ntp
UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
ntp       25312      1  0 Jun16 ?        00:16:37 ntpd -x -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ -g

nslookup TEMP02-DB
Server:         10.x.x.248
Address:        10.x.x.248#53
Name:   TEMP02-DB.zebra.lan
Address: 10.xx.x.65
Name:   TEMP02-DB.zebra.lan
Address: 10.xx.x.64
Name:   TEMP02-DB.zebra.lan
Address: 10.xx.x.63

**5.7 Broadcast Requirements for Networks Used by Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Broadcast communications (ARP and UDP) must work properly across all the public and private interfaces configured for use by Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
The broadcast must work across any configured VLANs as used by the public or private interfaces.
When configuring public and private network interfaces for Oracle RAC, you must enable Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). Highly Available IP (HAIP) addresses do not require ARP on the public network, but for VIP failover, you need to enable ARP. Do not configure NOARP.

**5.10 Configuration Requirements for Oracle Flex Clusters

cat /etc/security/limits.conf
@oinstall          soft    nproc           262144
@oinstall          hard    nproc           262144
@oinstall          soft    nofile          65536
@oinstall          hard    nofile          65536
@oinstall          soft    memlock         3145728
@oinstall          hard    memlock         3145728
@oinstall          soft    stack           10240
@oinstall          hard    stack           32768

Set ASM diskgroup compatibility values in gv$asm% (pull SQL output via 1 db)

srvctl start database -d `whoami`;srvctl status database -d `whoami`;
select distinct name
     , allocation_unit_size
     , compatibility
--     , database_compatibility
     , decode(state, 'CONNECTED', 'MOUNTED', state) state
     , 'alter diskgroup '||name||' set attribute ''compatible.asm'' = '''';'
  from gv$asm_diskgroup
 where compatibility = ''
 order by name;

/home/grid# . ./grid.env

sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn / as sysasm

<< Run + Validate SQL generated via above query to modify all diskgroups >>

srvctl stop database -d `whoami`;

SQL> @asm_disks_GRID.sql
/dev/oracleasm/disks/GRID1               MEMBER               30720          436       1.42              4194304 Y Y REGULAR
/dev/oracleasm/disks/GRID2               MEMBER               30720          432       1.41              4194304 Y Y REGULAR
/dev/oracleasm/disks/GRID3               MEMBER               30720          436       1.42              4194304 Y Y REGULAR

/root# whoami
cd /opt/grid/product

mkdir -p 12.2.0
chown -R grid:oinstall 12.2.0

ll -d 12.2.0
drwxr-x---.  2 grid oinstall     4096 Oct 17 16:22 12.2.0
drwxr-x---. 3 grid oinstall 4096 Oct 17 13:24
drwxr-x---. 2 grid oinstall 4096 Oct 17 13:24

**Remove grid on B/C/D alone to prevent the below noted error

cd /opt/grid/product/
rmdir grid

As grid@z08s-temp02a (software pushed to subsequent nodes)
z08s-temp02a:/home/oracle/software/ unzip -d /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a:/opt/grid/product/ find . | wc -l
20862 stage -pre crsinst -upgrade [-rolling]
/home/grid# whoami
z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# script $HOME/rjc/runcluvfy.pre12201.log
Script started, file is /home/grid/rjc/runcluvfy.pre12201.log

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# /opt/grid/product/ stage -pre crsinst -upgrade -rolling -src_crshome /opt/grid/product/ -dest_crshome /opt/grid/product/ -dest_version -verbose
Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful. ^M
Checks did not pass for the following nodes:^M

Checks did not pass for the following ASM disk groups:^M

Verifying Disk group ASM compatibility setting ...FAILED^M

_DB: PRVE-3175 : ASM compatibility for ASM disk group "_DB" is^M
            set to "", which is less than the minimum supported value^M
srvctl start database -d `whoami`;srvctl status database -d `whoami`;
select distinct name
     , allocation_unit_size
     , compatibility
--     , database_compatibility
     , decode(state, 'CONNECTED', 'MOUNTED', state) state
     , 'alter diskgroup '||name||' set attribute ''compatible.asm'' = '''';'
  from gv$asm_diskgroup
 where compatibility = ''
 order by name;
srvctl stop database -d `whoami`;

X : Pre- Backup GRID (olr/ocr/vote/spfile)
OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry) [Node-A ONLY]

**root on Node-A ONLY
/opt/grid/product/ -manualbackup

**Output will reflect the master node at the time the backup was taken; confirm on file-system
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/17 13:42:39     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2016/11/04 15:10:02     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2016/09/24 19:43:30     /opt/grid/product/

z03s-TEMP02b     2016/09/24 16:19:46     /opt/grid/product/grid/cdata/TEMP02-DB/backup_20160924_161946.ocr
z08s-temp02a     2016/09/23 14:13:49     /opt/grid/product/grid/cdata/TEMP02-DB/backup_20160923_141349.ocr

Additionally, confirm regularly occurring automatic backups are available :
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -showbackup
**Output will reflect the master node at the time the backup was taken; confirm on file-system
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/17 13:36:15     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/17 09:36:15     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/17 05:36:14     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/16 05:36:08     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/03 17:35:04     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/17 13:42:39     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2016/11/04 15:10:02     /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a     2016/09/24 19:43:30     /opt/grid/product/
z03s-TEMP02b     2016/09/24 16:19:46     /opt/grid/product/grid/cdata/TEMP02-DB/backup_20160924_161946.ocr
z08s-temp02a     2016/09/23 14:13:49     /opt/grid/product/grid/cdata/TEMP02-DB/backup_20160923_141349.ocr

ASM spfile [Node-A ONLY]
SQL> show parameter spfile
spfile                               string      +GRID/TEMP02-db/asmparameterfile/registry.253.800399127

SQL> create pfile='$HOME/rjc/initASM.ora.pre12201' from spfile;
File created.

Launch Grid Setup Utility [Node-A ONLY]
Note : CRS should be UP
z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# export DISPLAY=`hostname -s`:24
z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# cd /opt/grid/product/
z08s-temp02a:/opt/grid/product/ ./

Next >>

SSH connectivity >>
Next >>





**SKIP This slide as this ORACLE_BASE value is incorrect; just showing the error here for informational purposes
Next >>

cd /opt/grid/product/
rmdir grid
OK + Next >>

Yes + Save Response File >>


**Run this on A, then B, then C, then D (DO NOT RUN ON MULTIPLE NODES IN PARALLEL)
(say “y” to overwriting files in /usr/local/bin)
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Relinking oracle with rac_on option
Using configuration parameter file: /opt/grid/product/
The log of current session can be found at:
2017/10/17 16:43:28 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 1 of 19: 'UpgradeTFA'.
2017/10/17 16:43:28 CLSRSC-4015: Performing install or upgrade action for Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2017/10/17 16:44:21 CLSRSC-4003: Successfully patched Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2017/10/17 16:44:21 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 2 of 19: 'ValidateEnv'.
2017/10/17 16:44:52 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 3 of 19: 'GenSiteGUIDs'.
2017/10/17 16:44:57 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 4 of 19: 'GetOldConfig'.
2017/10/17 16:44:57 CLSRSC-464: Starting retrieval of the cluster configuration data
2017/10/17 16:45:14 CLSRSC-515: Starting OCR manual backup.
2017/10/17 16:45:22 CLSRSC-516: OCR manual backup successful.
2017/10/17 16:45:49 CLSRSC-486:
 At this stage of upgrade, the OCR has changed.
 Any attempt to downgrade the cluster after this point will require a complete cluster outage to restore the OCR.
2017/10/17 16:45:49 CLSRSC-541:
 To downgrade the cluster:
 1. All nodes that have been upgraded must be downgraded.
2017/10/17 16:45:49 CLSRSC-542:
 2. Before downgrading the last node, the Grid Infrastructure stack on all other cluster nodes must be down.
2017/10/17 16:45:49 CLSRSC-615:
 3. The last node to downgrade cannot be a Leaf node.
2017/10/17 16:46:05 CLSRSC-465: Retrieval of the cluster configuration data has successfully completed.
2017/10/17 16:46:05 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 5 of 19: 'UpgPrechecks'.
2017/10/17 16:46:12 CLSRSC-363: User ignored prerequisites during installation
2017/10/17 16:51:45 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 6 of 19: 'SaveParamFile'.
2017/10/17 16:52:03 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 7 of 19: 'SetupOSD'.
2017/10/17 16:52:17 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 8 of 19: 'PreUpgrade'.
2017/10/17 16:52:24 CLSRSC-468: Setting Oracle Clusterware and ASM to rolling migration mode
2017/10/17 16:52:24 CLSRSC-482: Running command: '/opt/grid/product/ -silent -upgradeNodeASM -nonRolling false -oldCRSHome /opt/grid/product/ -oldCRSVersion -firstNode true -startRolling true '

ASM configuration upgraded in local node successfully.

2017/10/17 16:52:33 CLSRSC-469: Successfully set Oracle Clusterware and ASM to rolling migration mode
2017/10/17 16:52:48 CLSRSC-466: Starting shutdown of the current Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack
2017/10/17 16:53:17 CLSRSC-467: Shutdown of the current Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack has successfully completed.
2017/10/17 16:53:19 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 9 of 19: 'CheckCRSConfig'.
2017/10/17 16:53:20 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 10 of 19: 'UpgradeOLR'.
2017/10/17 16:53:39 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 11 of 19: 'ConfigCHMOS'.
2017/10/17 16:53:40 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 12 of 19: 'InstallAFD'.
2017/10/17 16:53:53 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 13 of 19: 'createOHASD'.
2017/10/17 16:54:08 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 14 of 19: 'ConfigOHASD'.
2017/10/17 16:54:58 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 15 of 19: 'InstallACFS'.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'z08s-temp02a' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
2017/10/17 16:55:46 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 16 of 19: 'InstallKA'.
2017/10/17 16:56:00 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 17 of 19: 'UpgradeCluster'.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'z08s-temp02a' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.
clscfg: version 5 is 11g Release 2.
Successfully taken the backup of node specific configuration in OCR.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.

(z08s-temp02 hung here for what felt like an eternity...)
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crsd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crsd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'z08s-temp02a'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'z08s-temp02a' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'z08s-temp02a' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
2017/10/17 17:13:41 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack
2017/10/17 17:13:41 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 18 of 19: 'UpgradeNode'.
2017/10/17 17:13:48 CLSRSC-474: Initiating upgrade of resource types
2017/10/17 17:15:39 CLSRSC-482: Running command: 'srvctl upgrade model -s -d -p first'
2017/10/17 17:15:39 CLSRSC-475: Upgrade of resource types successfully initiated.
2017/10/17 17:16:00 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 19 of 19: 'PostUpgrade'.
2017/10/17 17:16:24 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

**Specific to the final node
2017/12/27 15:37:01 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 18 of 19: 'UpgradeNode'.
Start upgrade invoked..
2017/12/27 15:38:47 CLSRSC-478: Setting Oracle Clusterware active version on the last node to be upgraded
2017/12/27 15:38:47 CLSRSC-482: Running command: '/opt/grid/product/ set crs activeversion'
Started to upgrade the active version of Oracle Clusterware. This operation may take a few minutes.
Started to upgrade the OCR.
Started to upgrade CSS.
CSS was successfully upgraded.
Started to upgrade Oracle ASM.
Started to upgrade CRS.
CRS was successfully upgraded.
Successfully upgraded the active version of Oracle Clusterware.
Oracle Clusterware active version was successfully set to
2017/12/27 15:40:49 CLSRSC-479: Successfully set Oracle Clusterware active version
2017/12/27 15:40:57 CLSRSC-476: Finishing upgrade of resource types
2017/12/27 15:41:42 CLSRSC-482: Running command: 'srvctl upgrade model -s -d -p last'
2017/12/27 15:41:42 CLSRSC-477: Successfully completed upgrade of resource types
2017/12/27 15:42:16 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 19 of 19: 'PostUpgrade'.
2017/12/27 15:42:35 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

z08s-temp02a : 35 minutes
z08s-temp02b : 6 minutes
z08c-temp02c : 6 minutes
z08s-temp02d : 15 minutes

(this step will take awhile, ~30 minutes)

z08s-temp02a:/opt/grid/product/oraInventory/logs/GridSetupActions2017-10-17_04-10-12PM# grep -i fail time2017-10-17_04-10-12PM.log
 # Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster failed. # 1988338 # 1508282710204
 # Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster failed. # 1988338 # 1508282710204
 # Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster failed. # 1988338 # 1508282710204

z08s-temp02a:/opt/grid/product/oraInventory/logs/GridSetupActions2017-10-17_04-10-12PM# cat gridSetupActions2017-10-17_04-10-12PM.log

OK >>

Fix z08s-temp02a/b/c/d:/dev/oracleasm/disks/* to grid:oinstall w/0660

Retry >>

Wait for 100%...

Close >>

Update $HOME/grid.env [ALL NODES]

/home/grid# cat grid.env
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/grid/product/12.2.0
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/grid/product/

Update ASM init.ora
**If necessary; this was required in Project-Support but not Production-Support
SQL> select name, value from v$parameter where value like '%11.2%' order by 1;



ROLLING [Node-Specific]
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/adump
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/adump
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM3/adump
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM4/adump

mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/cdump
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/cdump
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM3/cdump
mkdir -p /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM4/cdump

/home/grid# sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn / as sysasm

alter system set diagnostic_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0' scope=spfile sid='*';

alter system set audit_file_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/adump' scope=spfile sid='+ASM1';
alter system set audit_file_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/adump' scope=spfile sid='+ASM2';
alter system set audit_file_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM3/adump' scope=spfile sid='+ASM3';
alter system set audit_file_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM4/adump' scope=spfile sid='+ASM4';

alter system set core_dump_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/cdump' scope=both sid='+ASM1';
alter system set core_dump_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/cdump' scope=both sid='+ASM2';
alter system set core_dump_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM3/cdump' scope=both sid='+ASM3';
alter system set core_dump_dest='/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM4/cdump' scope=both sid='+ASM4';

shutdown immediate;

show parameter diagnostic_dest
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
diagnostic_dest                      string      /opt/grid/product/12.2.0

show parameter audit_file_dest
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
audit_file_dest                      string      /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/adump

show parameter core_dump_dest
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
core_dump_dest                       string      /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/cdump

/home/grid# asmcmd lsdg
               All MOUNTED

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# srvctl status asm
ASM is running on z08s-temp02c,z08s-temp02b,z08s-temp02a,z08s-temp02d

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl query crs activeversion;
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ocrcheck;
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
         Version                  :          4
         Total space (kbytes)     :     409568
         Used space (kbytes)      :      16004
         Available space (kbytes) :     393564
         ID                       :  641978920
         Device/File Name         :      +GRID
                                    Device/File integrity check succeeded
                                    Device/File not configured
                                    Device/File not configured
                                    Device/File not configured
                                    Device/File not configured
         Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
         Logical corruption check bypassed due to non-privileged user

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl query css votedisk;
##  STATE    File Universal Id                File Name Disk group
--  -----    -----------------                --------- ---------
 1. ONLINE   aa0a7b7e51be4f48bf3edc9fc9b1334a (/dev/oracleasm/disks/GRID1) [GRID]
 2. ONLINE   7401041c7fa24fc5bfbdb0b2ed746498 (/dev/oracleasm/disks/GRID2) [GRID]
 3. ONLINE   abcb03d4ee874f63bf13008cb68f901d (/dev/oracleasm/disks/GRID3) [GRID]
Located 3 voting disk(s).

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl check cluster -all;
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online

################################Grid Patching #################################

Apply October 2017 PSU (#)
Backup OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry) [Node-A ONLY]
**root on Node-A ONLY
/opt/grid/product/ -manualbackup
z08s-temp02a:/opt/grid/product/ /opt/grid/product/ -manualbackup
z08s-temp02a     2017/10/17 22:02:39     +GRID:/TEMP02-DB/OCRBACKUP/backup_20171017_220239.ocr.283.957650559     0
z08c-temp02c     2017/10/17 17:46:32     +GRID:/TEMP02-DB/OCRBACKUP/backup_20171017_174632.ocr.258.957635193     0

Backup Grid Infrastructure Binaries [All Nodes]
/root# cd /opt/grid/product
tar -czvpf oraInventory.20171017_pre12cR2gridPSU.tar.gz oraInventory
chown grid:oinstall oraInventory.20171017_pre12cR2gridPSU.tar.gz

Upgrade OPatch to (6880880) [All Nodes]
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version | grep Version
OPatch Version:

**root (backup existing OPatch)
cd /opt/grid/product/
mv OPatch OPatch.122016
mkdir OPatch
chown grid:oinstall OPatch
chmod 755 OPatch

unzip -d $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch

mv OPatch/* .
rmdir OPatch

$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version | grep Version
OPatch Version:

Apply Patch #[26636246] [Grid Infrastructure*] [ALL NODES]
**opatchauto utility should not be run in parallel on the cluster nodes

$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266/26710464
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266/26925644
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266/26737232
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266/26839277
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266/26928563
Invoking prereq "checkconflictagainstohwithdetail"
Prereq "checkConflictAgainstOHWithDetail" passed.
OPatch succeeded.

**Confirm no ASM REBALANCE is occurring (mL#2168607.1 : Prepatch is Failing with "CLSRSC-430: Failed to start rolling patch mode", if ASM Rebalance is Running)
select * from gv$asm_operation;

**The opatchauto utility must be executed by an operating system (OS) user with root privileges, and it must be executed on each node in the cluster if the GI home or Oracle RAC database home is in non-shared storage. The utility should not be run in parallel on the cluster nodes.
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/grid/product/12.2.0
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/grid/product/
which opatchauto
opatchauto apply $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266 -oh $ORACLE_HOME

z08s-temp02a:/root# opatchauto apply $ORACLE_BASE/patches/26636246/26737266 -oh $ORACLE_HOME

OPatchauto session is initiated at Tue Oct 17 22:31:54 2017

System initialization log file is /vol2/opt/grid/product/

Session log file is /vol2/opt/grid/product/
The id for this session is FYXK

Executing OPatch prereq operations to verify patch applicability on home /opt/grid/product/
Patch applicability verified successfully on home /opt/grid/product/

Bringing down CRS service on home /opt/grid/product/
Prepatch operation log file location: /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/crsdata/z08s-temp02a/crsconfig/crspatch_z08s-temp02a_2017-10-17_10-34-57PM.log
CRS service brought down successfully on home /opt/grid/product/

Start applying binary patch on home /opt/grid/product/
Binary patch applied successfully on home /opt/grid/product/

Starting CRS service on home /opt/grid/product/
Postpatch operation log file location: /opt/grid/product/12.2.0/crsdata/z08s-temp02a/crsconfig/crspatch_z08s-temp02a_2017-10-17_10-47-12PM.log
CRS service started successfully on home /opt/grid/product/
OPatchAuto successful.

Patching is completed successfully. Please find the summary as follows:
CRS Home:/opt/grid/product/
==Following patches were SUCCESSFULLY applied:
Patch: /vol2/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/patches/26636246/26737266/26710464
Log: /opt/grid/product/
Patch: /vol2/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/patches/26636246/26737266/26737232
Log: /opt/grid/product/
Patch: /vol2/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/patches/26636246/26737266/26839277
Log: /opt/grid/product/
Patch: /vol2/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/patches/26636246/26737266/26925644
Log: /opt/grid/product/

Patch: /vol2/opt/grid/product/12.2.0/patches/26636246/26737266/26928563
Log: /opt/grid/product/

OPatchauto session completed at Tue Oct 17 22:59:53 2017
Time taken to complete the session 28 minutes, 0 second

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl query crs activeversion;
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

z08s-temp02a:/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl check cluster -all;
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online

/home/grid# $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep ^Patch
Patch  26928563     : applied on Tue Oct 17 22:47:09 CDT 2017
Patch description:  "TOMCAT RELEASE UPDATE (26928563)"
Patch  26925644     : applied on Tue Oct 17 22:47:01 CDT 2017
Patch description:  "OCW RELEASE UPDATE (26925644)"
Patch  26839277     : applied on Tue Oct 17 22:46:12 CDT 2017
Patch description:  "DBWLM RELEASE UPDATE (26839277)"
Patch  26737232     : applied on Tue Oct 17 22:46:04 CDT 2017
Patch description:  "ACFS RELEASE UPDATE (26737232)"
Patch  26710464     : applied on Tue Oct 17 22:44:37 CDT 2017
Patch description:  "Database Release Update : (26710464)"

mv 11.2.0 + to .DELETE

Configure OEM 12c ASM Target

+ASM_TEMP08-FB > Cluster ASM > Target Setup > Monitoring Configuration
Oracle home path : /opt/grid/product/
Test Connection (both Cluster and Instance) : The connection test was successful

/vol2/opt/oracle/product/agent/agent_inst/bin# ./emctl stop agent;./emctl start agent;./emctl upload agent;./emctl status agent;


Oracle Clusterware (CRS/GI) - ASM - Database Version Compatibility [mL#337737.1]

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Install and Upgrade []

Important Changes to Oracle Database Patch Sets Starting With [mL#1189783.1]

Patches to apply before upgrading Oracle GI and DB to [mL#2180188.1]
**For Grid & RDBMS =>, Oracle recommends to be on at least GI PSU #22646198 – (Apr 2016) Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (GI PSU)

Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update October 2017 Availability Document [mL#2296870.1]

Step by Step YugabyteDB 2.11 (Open Source) Distributed DB - Multi-node Cluster Setup on RHEL

Scope - ·        Infrastructure planning and requirement for installation of the multi-node cluster database ·        Prerequisites Software...